
We haven’t said enough

By In Dance 26 min

How do we bridge the gap that grows as we stagnate? Our world today feels defined by a situation in which no progress seems possible. Impasse by illuminates that the baseline of human behavior is rooted in peer pressure and a loss of self, determined by a seduction of unending streams of “newness”. The piece problematizes the ease with which we seem to fall into what others say or do and how we lose the opportunity for fruitful growth in the process. Can we nurture the ability to seriously interrogate the world together, and find the capacity to reimagine it?

Through a steady increase in the number of dancers on stage and a simultaneous decrease in the size of the performance space, Impasse demands a sense of urgency. Fluid movements and strong rhythms are translated by the young dancers of 2 through moments of hysterical comic relief and manic isolation, indicating that together we should be stronger, alone we are less.

The magic of the choreography lies in the tension that is tightly stretched from start to finish and ensures an unpredictable character. […] It is blood-curdling, sanding, pinching and causes unrest, but also hilarity.

Leidsch Dagblad

Program Sudden and Suspended is triple bill by both familiar and new voices to NDT featuring the intriguing new work Cluster by and the compelling new creation Fathoms by the choreographic duo and David Raymond, also known as Out Innerspace, who present their first collaboration with NDT 2 and with that their debut for Dutch audiences.