Cassiopeia’s Garden
Millions of years ago, an incomprehensible cosmic event occurred in the constellation Cassiopeia. The radio waves from this event are still perceptible today.
Christian Spuck
Every event in our lives, even if it lies seemingly far in the past, poses the question: What remains?

Dreams have always played a big role in my life. Nachtmerrie is the Dutch word for nightmare. For me the word doesn’t mean anything negative, I don’t judge it as something bad. I’ve always found the word beautiful. At the moment I’m dreaming of old loves and I’m quite often surpri- sed that things which happened years ago suddenly reappear. Maybe a work such as I’ve been doing for 20 years is always a bit like a dream …
Marco Goecke

The unusual coincidence that John Cranko died on the day
Edward Clug
I was born, connects me with this place in a special way. John Cranko was the creator of the Stuttgart Ballet and the source for many others to become creators themselves.
I feel very proud to be a passenger of this 60 years journey and to contribute to this evening of celebration.

Blake Works I
I like being part of the big ballet conversation.
William Forsythe
Blake Works I is a celebration of everything ballet has brought to me in life. It’s just another way to love ballet — and there are so many ways.