In Triptych: The missing door, The lost room and The hidden floor, several characters are wandering through an ocean liner. They set out to seek an ideal, they left filled with hope, but are now lost in this mysterious and macabre labyrinth. The characters live between reality and what’s imagined, guided by natural forces that lead them to an uncertain destiny. Gabriela Carrizo and Franck Chartier create a disturbing, dark and enclosed world – typical in the work of Peeping Tom, while at the same time putting a unique and extreme language of movement and performance at the centre of the pieces.
Each part of the trilogy has its own unique setting and evokes a film set. The missing door is set in a room or hallway filled with doors that won’t open. The action in The lost room happens in a cabin on the ship, focusing on the interior world of the characters. The hidden floor takes place in the public setting of the boat’s abandoned restaurant, where natural forces have taken over. The scenic changes between the piece are carried out in plain sight and become a part of the performance, as if it were a live film editing.
In this new creation, Peeping Tom is reimagining the three short pieces and adapting them from the originals created by Gabriela Carrizo and Franck Chartier between 2013 and 2017 with Nederlands Dans Theater (NDT 1).

Gabriela has been the artistic director of Peeping Tom, along with Franck Chartier, since they co-founded the company in 2000. Gabriela was ten years old when she started dancing at a multidisciplinary school that had, at the time, the only group of contemporary dance for children and teenagers.
Franck has been the artistic director of Peeping Tom, along with Gabriela Carrizo, since they co-founded the company in 2000. Franck started dancing when he was eleven, and at the age of fifteen his mother sent him to study classical ballet at Rosella Hightower in Cannes.