Fagin’s Twist is the untold story of a notorious and complex villain. It imagines Fagin’s youth, driven by greed and ambition in the face of overwhelming poverty. The streets are a place of little comfort and fairy-tale endings are hard to find in this poignant coming-of-age dance theatre.
See Dickens’ Oliver Twist in a new light as Tony Adigun‘s Avant Garde Dance flips your expectations of five familiar characters, with their unmatched hip hop contemporary style.
Oh! if, when we oppress and grind our fellow-creatures, we bestowed but one thought on the dark evidences of human error, which, like dense and heavy clouds, are rising, slowly it is true, but not less surely, to Heaven, to pour their after-vengeance on our heads; if we heard but one instant, in imagination, the deep testimony of the dead men’s voices, which no power can stifle, and no pride shut out; where would be the injury and injustice: the suffering, misery, cruelty, and wrong: that each day’s life brings with it!
Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist

Avant Garde Dance Company is at the forefront of London’s innovative Hip hop / Contemporary Dance scene. The company was founded in 2001 and is led by Artistic Director Tony Adigun Having gained extensive experience in the world of commercial dance, Tony set out to transform a group of hip hop dancers into a unique company that could also explore contemporary influences and create a more unusual, abstract and artistic practice. The company’s dynamic performances explore a myriad of styles, themes and media, whilst embracing different genres and forms of music, dance, literature, circus and digital work. The mantra ‘Innovate Never Replicate’ is evident throughout the work as the company embraces a sense of individuality and uniqueness.