A Louer, directed by Gabriela Carrizo and Franck Chartier, is a fascinating journey through thoughts, memories, visions of the future, dreams and nightmares.
In A Louer, there is no linear time, but rather a focus on that moment of boredom when our thoughts suddenly escape and flee to a parallel world. It is this thread that runs throughout reality. This is a universe of memories, of future intentions, of fears, dreams or nightmares, constantly spoilt by reality. It is also a walk on the edge of a cliff, the dance of a tightrope walker on this red thread between the feeling of possessing something and immediately losing it, the feeling of balance before falling into the void. Everything is ephemeral because everything can be taken away again from one day to the next: a flat, our personal objects, a job, a person or even a life. Everything is for rent.
With “A Louer”, the company Peeping Tom invites us in an improbable place. On stage, the interior structure that appears behind large red curtain outlines an endless cavern, imitating the imitating the famous outlines of impossible constructions. A great place, that seems to abolish time and space for a better welcoming the permanent comings and goings of unusual characters, guided by strange obsessions. They play, sing and dance with brilliance and virtuosity, bordering the real world and the artistic representation. They depict a middle class family that has lost its prestige with its economic usefulness and perceived the precariousness of its privileges. The characters seem to invest in their actions, until losing many of their marks in a place that doesn't want to freeze but perfectly reveals the challenges of theatrical space.
“A Louer” delightly raises the curtain of artistic creation and reflects the decline of representation. Desires, fantasies and anxieties crystallize on stage and breed occasionally. Peeping Tom evokes the tumult of passionate relationship while leaving the throes of creation speak on stage. Because all artistic creation is ephemeral, because the boards of the theater are rented.