Captivating movement and elegant imagery stands out in this work called Null, choreographed by Noa Wertheim who is the co-founder and director of the Vertigo Dance Company, Isreal. It is performed in this video by the company. The music is composed by Ran Bagno, Audio Collage and Stefan Ferry and the striking set and costumes are designed by Rakefet Levi.
Null is a work that explores and brings together opposing elements and the contradictory and random nature of our lives. It is visually strong with beautiful fresh images created with elegant and striking costumes and set together with a distinct organic and grounded movement language.
The stage is surrounded by semi-transparent walls with three kitchen sinks that have running water the dancers use. The men wear black which includes a long tulle skirt. The women wear white batiste outfits and together they all stand out sharply against the clean fresh white background, especially when the set if illuminated.

The movement is strong, grounded and organic. I appreciate the elements of risk that comes into play in the men’s solos and duets between sexes. The men in particular show a bridled raw energy as they fall and propel themselves through space as opposed to the women who dance with a power that is infused with a sensual intensity. The last section is delightfully light and fresh with a lovely flowing liveliness in which all the dancers, dressed in white, are illuminated against the glowing set.
Overall the piece appears to be a mysterious ritualistic rite of cleansing both physically and spiritually that is experienced by the individual and group. And the illuminated end sections symbolize the ultimate of the illuminated spiritually cleansed state.
This piece is mesmerizing with its fresh beauty and coherent artistic style. A beautiful visual and kinetic experience!
Choreography: Noa Wertheim
Dancers and Co-Creators: Eyal Visner, Ruth Valensi, Alon Karniel, Gil Kerer, Micha Amos, Tomer Navot, Emmy Wielunski, Dana Golan, Gal Antzel
Assistant Choreographer: Rina Wertheim Koren
Music: Ran Bagno