Angelin Preljocaj was wary of the clichés when creating his retelling of Arabian Nights. He approached the story through his own unique perspective without ever becoming a prisoner to it. He shows us the antagonists, who certainly play on their femininity and their delicacy, but who are also capable of rebelling without hesitation. The twelve glamourous and punk Scheherazades paint a picture of womanhood that is as timeless as it is universal. Face-to-face with them, men lower their arms, reveal their fragility as well as their savagery, and unpack their impulses.

Beyond the mystery of this text, which was most certainly written by several people and features extremely varied tales that emerge from one another like Russian dolls, this text has led generations of readers to dream and be intrigued and attracted by their fantastical and erotic dimension. What makes One Thousand and One Nights particularly captivating is the device established through the character of Scheherazade. With her words, culture, and intelligence she represents a bastion against barbarism and challenges us to question the role of women in society.