Through multiple stages, Heart Drive invites you to reflect, unburden and accept instincts and impulses. Where the physical experience of the body and sensations can exist without boundaries, and the acknowledgement of our nature is present. By exploring the primal drive we carry to love, hold, and connect.
Our sexual nature is a fundamental energy we possess to create, nurture and shape the world. It enables us to create bonds by entertaining our fantasies of love, commitment, and sense of pleasure while forming our experience, social status and desirability. These notions are often shamed, boxed in or even taken advantage of, yet they ultimately ensure our very survival.
As if driven by a predatory force the dancers push forwards into the space, with a sense of discovery and an unseen connection in their individuality. Through this sense of anticipation, the dancers meet in lost moments – as if mating rituals test their boundaries by encountering each other in brief moments of time. It’s tribal and every growing rhythm and sensation pushes the work forwards, resulting in a ritualistic unity where endurance reaches a climax to ultimately find sweet release and comfort. Where harmony, tenderness and care are ever present and the memory of love lingers in the body.

‘Heart Drive’ was created on Ballet BC, under the artistic direction of Medhi Walerski and premiered in Vancouver, Canada. It is a special collaboration and co-production with Tero Saarinen Company in Helsinki – and will be restaged and reworked on a specially selected group of artists there.